Crisis Numbers

We are not crisis providers and thus do not have 24 hour coverage. Therefore, current clients, if you are in crisis try to reach your therapist, but also please consider contacting your psychiatrist, calling 911, or contacting one of the following crisis resources:

Parent Outreach: 1-800-901-4565

Suicide & Crisis Hotlines: 1-855-278-4204

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

Phone: 1-800-273-8255
Chat: https://suicidepreventionlifel...

Crisis Call Center

A 24/7/365 Crisis Hotline for any kind of crisis

Call: 1-800-273-8255

Text: “ANSWER” to 839863

Self Injury Hotlines

Support Network for Battered Women: 1-800-572-2782

Next Door Hotline for Battered Women: 408-279-2962 or 408-501-7550

Child Protective Services: 408-299-2071

Gateway (Drug & Alcohol information and referrals): 800-488-9919

Also visit , the Information and Database Referral Service for Santa Clara County.

24-7 Teen Help Line: (888) 247 7717

EMQ Mobile Crisis Unit: (408) 379 3796

Helpful Forms

Click here to view and print forms for your appointment.

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